All our meditation classes are offered free of charge as a public service, following the belief that meditation is a universal truth belonging to everyone.

There is no need to bring anything with you – all you need for meditation is yourself! It’s ideal to shower before you come, and put on clean comfortable clothing, but if you are coming straight from work, that’s fine – the most important thing is your enthusiasm to learn.

Meditation Class Givers

Some of the people who will be giving meditation classes:

Sumangali Morhall

sumangali.jpgSumangali lives in York, where she works as a web designer. She is also a keen writer, and has published a book called Auspicious Good Fortune, about her spiritual journey as a student of Sri Chinmoy.

Tejvan Pettinger

tejvan.jpgTejvan works as an economist. Originally from Yorkshire he went to school in Bradford. He now lives in Oxford where he works as an economist. He also spends some time in Yorkshire where his family still live.

Bahumanya Guy

stevie-smile.gifBahumanya is an English teacher and keen runner.